Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Will social media kill public relations?

That was the question that popped up on my inbox first thing this morning. Not the best way to start the day with all this talk about killing public relations. I think that Maktoob Research (the senders of the email that, presumably, is being read by a couple of hundred PR professionals in the UAE as I write) has either completely missed the plot and doesn't understand public relations and social media or were deliberately trying to push up the number of click-throughs on their one-question survey. If it was the later, then good on them!

From Middle East PRoject

So will social media kill public relations? I don't think so. At least, not as long as public relations agencies are able to adapt and stay one step ahead of everyone else in the social media space. PR agencies should be in a position to:
  • Educate their clients: Lets face it, most decision makers struggle to understand the value social media can provide to the marketing mix. We need to educate them
  • Provide counsel: So company X wants to build its social media presence. Great! While the advertising guys can talk about buying space, us, humble PR folk, should be in a position to provide authoritative advice on who our clients should be starting conversations with and where. As cliched as it sounds, we need to help our clients be part of the online conversation
  • Implement and execute: Don't think I need to go into details on this point
In my opinion (and I'd be happy to be proven wrong) a PR agency's role in helping a client work with social media should, in its most simplistic form, roughly mirror what it does with 'traditional' media with one huge difference: rather than talking to a journalist, we're talking to Jane Blogger or John Tweeter. Of course, the approaches and processes vary, but the essence remains the same.


  1. I think that's right and the premise of the newsletter is a ridiculous one - if anything social media provides PR with a huge opportunity (if we don't allow our lunch to be stolen off our table by specialist outfits springing up)

  2. IMHO the day has come to take whatever is called "Social Media" as a medium/channel to attend to and have it in the PR mix. No integration, it is a fact, it is part of the mix.

    But then again, the learning curve at the clients' side and PR agencies adoption and awareness will always be the obstacles. Flashback to the first days of Web & Online Advertising back in early 00s.

    But hey, it looks good, aren't you a PR specialist and you've reached to this conclusion and spreading the word, then we're on the right track, it's all about time.

    And no Social Media won't kill PR, it is PR,it's a gear that has to be shifted to when needed at the right speed on straight lines, and then down-shifted on the corners.

  3. nah...not even close...I agree with u...

    We social animals and the physical interaction is something that we will be longing no matter what comes in...

    I was watching Demolition Man yesterday...and just laughed when Sandra asks Sly for you know what and there is a virtual way to do it...OH COME ON!!!

    Social media can benefit PR in many ways cos I believe PR is one field which is developing even more with more and more people communicating with each other...but thats my two cents...not worth someone's dollar but its still worth my two cents...

  4. Social Media has clearly merged as a powerful communication tool but its still young even though some are using it and are aware others really have no idea what social networking let alone social media .. !!!

    So no i dont think that social media is will kill PR but they are working harder though ..
